Thursday, December 16, 2010

Russian Fraternal Twin Flags: pt 15

Vologda and Saratov
Flag of Vologda

Vologda and Saratov Province harmoniously align as flag twins. They both have mostly white backgrounds with a red stripe. Vologda's red stripe is along the right-fly side, while Saratov's red stripe is along the bottom side. The coat of arms are displayed on both flags. Saratov has three fish on a blue background, while Vologda has a divine hand extending from the clouds that holds a sword and the Royal Christian Orb with the Russian Imperial Crown floating above.

Flag of Saratov

Saratov's bragging right in history is that it was the landing point of the Yuri Gagarin's first voyage into orbit. Although the Americans were first to set foot on the moon, the Soviets were the first in space. Yuri was welcomed back to earth in Saratov Province.

Shield of Arms of Vologda
compared to Tarot Ace of Swords

The hand extending from the clouds is also found in many kinds of Tarot Cards, it represents the divine reaching out to the mortal. For example the flag of Vologda Province mirrors of the Ace of Swords from the Rider-Wait Tarot.

Vologda and Saratov are a part of the European
portion of Russia. Coincidentally they are similar is shape and as medium sized logs.


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