Saturday, January 7, 2023

Lunar Twilight 2022 - 6th Night: Moon Song, Phoebe Ridgers


Phoebe Bridgers, plays in the full moon night of Lunar Twilight 2022.  This is the night where fullness of 2022 comes back for en encore performance.  Not all Lunar Twilight's get a Full Moon evening.  

The length of Lunar Twilight depends on the cycle of the Moon and New Years.  Only if a lunar cycle begins before 13 Days before New Years, will a Lunar Twilight celebration get a Full Moon.  Last Year, Lunar Twilight only lasted one night.  On the rare occasion that a New Moon falls on December 31st, then Lunar Twilight will last its maximum of 29 nights into January, but never unto February.  

Bottom Line is you have an extra excuse to keep the Christmas Tree lights and decoration hung until the end of Lunar Twilight, which ends on January 21, 2023. 

In one live performance, the essential badge of the band can be seen on the Bass Dram, which has become the defacto flag or vexilloid within the Music industry.  And note, military drums always had the colors and symbols of the nation as well.

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