Thursday, February 17, 2022

East Korea Flag & West Korea Flag


Let's face it the Koreas are not getting back together, nor will Luke, Han, and Leia ever get the band back together.  Two Koreas are needed for world balance, in fact we could use more Korea Power on his planet.  Why not an East Korea and West Korea!?  

All the Koreans that got stuck in Russia and the rest of Asia are the East Koreans who can fly the East Korea flag, while all the Koreans in the West have dibs on the West Korea flag.  Or maybe we can divide the DMZ into a West Korea with a slight tilt to the South and East Korea with a slight advantage to the North?  

Why stick with the same old rivalry?  Why not try something new! Koreans are the ultimate middlemen who can potentially broker peace between China and the West, as they have strong connections to the East and the West.  Don't overlook or ignore Korea!