Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Classroom Pennant Flags in Hard Ball 2001


Pennants are seen hanging along the top chalkboard in the movie Hard Ball 2001, that starred Keanu Reeves.  The Pennants looks like they have been designed by the children in the classroom and have various unique designs and colors.  In this film Keanu stars as a baseball little league coach for an inner city hard luck team.  He is drafted into the position, due to his gambling debts. 

Here the teacher at the school is now making by 2020 standards an inappropriate gesture.  In 2001, the OK symbol was a positive and safe.  But things can change with just a few memes and jokes.  Who knows what is next on the chopping block for the newer generations.  Perhaps the peace sign with two fingers will go?  Maybe thumbs up or live long and prosper hand will become sinful and racist icons?  Only time will tell.  And just maybe the OK symbol will go back to just meaning OK?  


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