Friday, October 22, 2021

Unique Flag in Toys - 1992 Film


One the movies are good for is putting fashions and feels into a bottle.  In 1992, Robin Williams starred in Toys.  If Gateway Computers mated with a 1990s modern art project, this is the resultant barf.  There is something attractive about the film, and all the actors give their A game.  But it stinks like a glittering turd.  It could have been the 1990s Willy Wonka, but not something bland and square makes this movie poke along.  Although a bad movie, its worth watching once every ten years. 

A unique bumper car swallowtail pennant is visible during the funeral scene.  Another flag can be seen on the castle.  

As general rule of thumb, if a movie has a way too extravagant intro that goes on, and on, in the beginning, chances are its going to be crappy movie. Somehow all the effort and budget goes into the first five minutes and then its crap afterwards.  

The best part of the movie the Bill Nye-Talking Heads video  MTV makes a small cameo, when indeed during the 1990s MTV was music television. 

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