Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Infinity Chamber 2017 - Prisoner Badge


Classical science fiction is a rare item these days.  Most of the time explosions and karate chops steal the center stage of things Sci-Fi.  But in 2017 the Infinity Chamber came to be; it was Sci-Fi to the max.  Carried by a plot line and on the mark acting and directing, it is something of a quirk in today's cartoony Sci-Fi.  Infinity Chamber takes points a finger at the potential pitfalls of power, combined with AI and sheep society. 

It says a lot on a shoe string budget, and the depth is something the young and stupid will find boring.  A dash of 12:01 pm, a bit of the Matrix, and "Vawallah."   

Of vexilological interest is the arm band of the inmate.  It resembles a flag or is could just be a bar code.  We really don't know, the movie never explains, and this is okay.  Since it is on the arm badge/flag position it could have any meaning: type of prisoner, jail unit, listed crimes, etc.  The badge also appears on the collar, but at 90 degree angle.  It could easily be mistaken as military uniform.  

AI in the workforce is a common theme in many movies, but we are already there and it will continue to expand.  Someday much of the prison staff will be replaced by Alexa or Cortana. In 20 years, one can only imagine how much smarter AI will become.  

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