Thursday, January 7, 2021

Lunar Twilight 2020 - the seventh night: Wash It Away by Black Lab

The last Moon of 2020 is in its final phase.  Although by the solar point of view, 2021 has become.  Yet at night, a remaining fraction of 2020 lights up the night sky.  Reason being, the first Moon of January was created last year on December 14, 2020.  Until, this last ember dissolves from the night's sky, then the days of and nights of 2021 will begin anew. 

In the video of the live performance at the Mercury, you can see a video watermark in the lower right hand corner.  This little design is an indicator of ownership.  In this case, the video mark is a lower case b to represent the band Black Lab.  

In this video, the song Wash It Away is performed.  This song beseeches Grace.  One of the most uncomfortable trials of life is that of regret and attaining the skill of simply letting go. Consequently this is a deep theme, to touch upon, during any Lunar Twilight.

In the end, some jewels of the human experience are forged in misery.  Upon a certain time, they are released and healed by mysterious forces.  What it becomes is something beautiful, precious, and powerful.  For, to attain these blinding jewels, one must suffer a humiliating, dreadful failure.  This humiliation can not be artificially forged, but comes upon the smile of the Fates, and delivered only whence the proper choice is made. Father Time and the Mother of Graces stand by to allow such tragedies to crystalize into something good. 

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