Sunday, January 10, 2021

Lunar Twilight 2020 - tenth night: Enya Only Time

Lunar Twilight 2020 is almost ended.  We have less than five more days until the first Moon of 2021 is created.  Right now, the last Moon of 2020 is nearly at an end. 

In Enya's video Only Time, there is some writing and what looks like several crosses and or other symbols.  As Enya walks through the seasons you can see direct symbolism with her song.  

Much of Enya's work harmonizes totally with the Spirit of Lunar Twilight.  Enya's music is especially appropriate during Lunar Twilight. 


This song resonates especially with Lunar Twilight.  A crystal clear resonance is conveyed with Enya's poetic rhythms painted hypnotic tones of pondering grace.

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