Tuesday, July 28, 2020

キリマンジャロの鳥人 - Regal Banners of the Knight's in eipsoide 107: Galaxy Expres 999

キリマンジャロの鳥人 was the Japanese title of Galaxy Express 999's 107th episode that was first aired on February 12, 1981 in Japan.  In English is reads The Kilimanjaro's Bird Men. 

In this episode, themes about the consequences of war, chivalry, and revenge are conveyed. 

After a peace treaty is signed, the two sides gather together for a party to congratulate their chivalry.  In this shot, the banners on streamers are visible.  It is not  explained what the flags represent.  They are mostly likely the 'coats of arms' of the knightly cast of flying warriors, rather than the flags of a particular political entitiy or kingdom.

The two factions have different aircraft markings: the black cross and the red cross. Both factions place their crosses on a field of red. Likewise, the helmets of the pilots, Knightly Birdmen, have either black or white type of Swiss style cross.

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