Sunday, April 26, 2020

Japanese Naval Signal Flag #8—Code "Hachi" 最初の8の日本の海軍艦隊信号-名前「はち」

The Japanese Maritime Flag for Eight is basically an inverse of Foxtrot.  The center square diamond is white instead of red, and the corners are red instead of white.

Many Americans will recognize the word 'Hachi' from Hachi a Dog's Tale 2009 that starred Richard Gere.  Hachi the dog is based upon a true story in Japan, but in this film it has been adapted for American Audiences.  Hachi means eight in Japanese.

In this story, a dog shows it unending devotion for its master who passes a away.  People were so inspired that it has generated a movie.  In weird way Hachi the dog is a Reverse Old Yeller story from Japan.  With the story of Hachi, it is the human that passes, and the orphaned dog becomes a beacon of love and loyalty.

Neat coincidence (or mark of Providence) is that Hachi (the number eight) is lucky-magic number in the East: that includes Japan, China, and Tibet.  The number 8 (HACHI) is associated with Buddhism due to 8 Fold Noble Path as decreed by the Original Buddha from India.  In the West there is the 10 Commandments, but in the East there is the 8 Fold Noble Path.

As was fated, Richard Gere is a Buddhist who was lucky enough to meet the Dali Lama and later make a film based in Japan, which is primarily Buddhist.

Eight is doubly important in Folk Mysticism of Ancient China, with the Legendary Eight Immortal Spirits who transcend time. 

No small wonder since 8 is the reflective of the Infinite Power of Consciousness-Universe, from a certain point of view; when you tilt your head.  Bottom line is, the Power of Love is Infinite....

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