Friday, April 3, 2020

Flag in Jan Švankmajer's O Jogo Masculino - Thë Cråzy Šoçcer Šhort

Various football club pennants are visible in the bachelor soccer apartment in Jan Švankmajer's seminal 1988 classic O Jogo Masculino. The soccer pennants are often fibrated in gold.  It is difficult to make out the wording and teams.  However, the patterns and colours are distinctly visible.

 This video combines original live action with older stock footage about football matches.  In these cut real soccer fans can be seen gathering for a match with flags and the goose horns.  Additionally all sorts of claymation mixed with real footage give this comically silly, and absurd work of art a certain uniqueness.

 Oddly this movie short is one of the first cat videos.  During the bathroom break, the television just focuses on cats chillin' in a basket.  Interestingly, a few of the flags of the soccer teams can be seen on the wall on the left side of the window.  So in a weird way this film is a harbinger of things to come, with regards to cat videos.

On the bachelor's hat are several pins of the f.c.'s that he is apparently a fan of.  Although football is key element of this short film, it is an alternative take on football's violence, from an artistic point of view, of a Salvador Dali point of view.  It is quite dreamy and some would consider nightmarish.  But when considering today's violence standards of TV, movies, and video games, this film short is fairly tame.

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