Thursday, December 26, 2019

Stanford Christmas Tree Flag

Stanford has the standard single letter to represent the University.  If the letter 'S' were by itself, it'd be generic college 'S' symbol for a university.  This is college bound 'S' plays second fiddle to a giant tree of sorts.  This added element from the plant kingdom gives the generic, college, letter 'S'... original value and substance.

In honor of Christmas, Stanford's logo is Northploraized with the spirit of Santa.  A star is added to the top and several multicoloured balls can be seen dangling. 

The honored redwood upon Stanford's S is more than just some tree.  It is a living organism that has been around since before: the Declaration of Independence of 1776, Willy's Silly Game of Conquer of 1066, and before the split of Europe's Churches of Constantinople and Rome, when the churches of London, Spain, Moscow, Athens and Germany were all united under a single leader.   It was calculated this tree began life at around 1000 AD, plus or minus a few years.

The Giant Sequoia's name is El Palo Alto.   Palto Alto is usually translated as tall stick.   However in an quasi-equivalent acoustic translation would be Palm Altitude.  El Palo Alto is neither a he nor a she, but a schmee.  A schmee is both male and female, which is quite common in the plant kingdom.  Many plants have gendered trees, which is biologically known as dioicous.  Most animals are dioicous, having separate male and female individuals.  Note that the gender properties gets quite complex within the plant kingdom.

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