Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Amino Acid Serine Flag: S Flag or Ser Flag

The flag for Serine uses the colours red, hot pink, pink and black.  The pink field indicates it has in alcohol attachment on its R-Group.  Alcohol simply consists of an oxygen with a hydrogen.  Usually oxygen is red in most diagrams and models while hydrogen is white.  When you mix white with red you can get pink.  Since there is only one carbon on the R-Group, there is only one black dot.

Emil Cramer of Germany discovered Serine in 1865 within silk. Consequently Serines name is based upon the Latin word for silk: sericum.   Thus nicknames for Serine: Silknine, Metaxiline (Greek), Seidenine (German), Soiesine (French), Shelkisine (Russian), Sutrasine (Indonesian), Sedasine (Spanish), Setasine (Italian), and most importantly Seesine (Chinese)

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