Thursday, September 5, 2019

Lion King Flag of Veneto

The Lion King version of Venento's flag features Simba and a new constellation of the Italian skies.  If you guessed Leo, they you were correct.  The constellation Leo is facing right or sinister.  The 12 stars represent the 12 signs of the Zodiac and 12 disciples of the Chosen One. Note that Venento is a  sub-federal region of Italy that includes the cities of Venice, Verona, Pauda, and Rovigo.

Simba is holding a page from the Bible that reads in Latin PAX TIBI MARCE EVANGELISTA MEVS which directly translates to Peace To Mark Envangelist Mine, or rather Peace to you Mark, my evangelist. Note that MEVS should be written MEUS, but for some strange reason formal writing switches up U's to look like V's.

Can yov imagine if regvlar writing did the same thing.  I am from the VSA or Vnited States of America, specifically Vtah Salt Lake City.  They do this becavse making a letter U is deemed too hard.  But if they can make a D, C, B, and O... what gives? I have never receiued a good answer.

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