Tuesday, October 1, 2019

East New Jersey Flag

The East Jersey flag has the original seal in the orange upper-fly ward half.  The Orange colour is derived from the Goddess Liberty of the modern seal of New Jersey.  She is wearing an orange blouse and holds a Phryigan cap on her staff.  Coincidentally East New Jersey is home to the State of Liberty.  The buff (yellow-tan) stripe is also taken from New Jersey's modern flag.

The on the outer ring of East New Jersey it reads, "The seal of the province of East Iersy in America."  Sometimes Js where written with Is, because of this old rule and that old rule.   In the inner ring there are two messages.  The upper message in red reads, "Righteovsness Exalteth a Nation."  Again another funky alt switch of writing a U as a V has taken place.  The legend is that the letter U is a cursed letter or something like that, another ancient this and that rule lost to the sands of time.  Underneath in yellow is written, " Its God giveth increase."  Along the side of the shield of arms is a fancy S and mirror S on both sides.  The shield is divided; the upper part is red and the lower is white.  The upper area has an arm of divine origin holding a balance-scale; since the arm is coming out of a cloud, this represents a connection to Divine Will.  In the lower white area is a sheaf of wheat with two pealed ears of

Coincidentally the Seal of West New Jersey also has balance-scale.  New Jersey's Hudson Valley is squarely a part of East New Jersey as is Sandy Hook. 


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