Thursday, August 15, 2019

Afro-Caribbean Heritage Flag, Afro-Carib American

One of the largest ethnic groups in the United States are people of Afro-Caribbean Heritage.  They are a double transplants who had a middle on another culture.  Originally from Africa, these people were transported to the Caribbean.  Some stayed for days, while others stayed for years, or their entire lifetime.  As a consequence this part of the Americas has a strong African phenotype.  Yet their was some mixed with all the other peoples who lived in that area, be it white or native peoples.  Like the Scots-Irish the Afro-Carib are an important and dominant people group in the United States and Canada.

This flag honors people is America who no longer live in the Caribbean but have ancestors in Africa.  The flag is saltire of black, red takes up the hoist area, green takes of the fly area, and yellow takes up the top and bottom area.  You can see the echo of African colours and style of Jamaica with this flag.
Perhaps the most renowned people group like this in the United States are the Scots-Irish.  Are the Scottish?  Or are they Irish?  Why the double name?  It makes them a Scots-Irish American.  Likewise there are Scots-Irish Canadians, Scots-Irish Aussie, and even Scots-Irish South African.  Thus this flag echos the flag of Scotland.  No doubt a few people who are Afro-Carib American have a wee bit of Scottish blood.  A even further down there are certain people who are Afro-Carib-n-Scots-Irish American!

Bonus question.  So what do you call a Irishman who moves to Scotland then whose generations move to America?  Irish-Scots?   So, no matter... all these peoples are often beautiful, tall, strong, and smart.  You should be grateful to have such peoples in your nation or tribe.

Encore, Encore!  For Marley & Me...

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