Thursday, July 11, 2019

Indiana Indiana Jones Flags

Indiana Jones is one of most iconic heroes of cinema.  When you take that spirit and mesh it with the Indiana flag, this is what you get.  Most archeologists don't have the life and death adventures as such as Indy had.  But in a way the adventure of the mind does take place, and every once and a while archeologists get to travel to far off places and fight against tourists and local con artists. 

Here is another version of the Indian Indian Jones flag.  I guess on Indiana Jones Day they can fly this flag all across Indiana? The silhouette of the his iconic fedora with an internal silhouette can be seen.

 Here is a third version where you can see more of Indy's outfit and smile.

 Just for reference, here is the official state of Indiana flag.  You can see much of the design is conserved with the Indian Jones versions.  The Indiana word is conserved but it uses that exciting font that has become iconic of American Excitement.

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