Sunday, June 23, 2019

Heterosexual Pride Flag, Feminine Dominance

This is a heterosexual pride flag whereby the female leads the relationship.  This is represented by economic superiority, height, decision making, and social rank.  Usually these conditions are rare, since the male species often dominates.

It may seem unnatural for such relationships to occur, but there are instances where mother nature allows for such conditions.  Namely the hyena is a good example.  Female hyenas are bigger, higher in social rank, bring home the bacon, and boss the males around.  Likewise many insects are arranged where males are under feminine control and much smaller, or simply bred for reproductive purposes and discarded. 

As for the human kingdom, a hetero-female dominated relationship in this manner is virtually non-existent. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I'm wondering why the "scottish cross" means female dominance in a relationship?

    And one more point. In some bird taxa (specialy raptors and owls), females are also dominant. And penguins are an example of perfect equality.
