Thursday, June 6, 2019

π Flag for July 22nd

Pi finally has colours!  This flag uses the colours orange, violet and black.  The are derived from the order on numbers derived from Isaac Newton's prism experiments.  In this case orange is associated with two since it is the 2nd colour of the spectrum.  Likewise violet is the 7th colour of the visible spectrum.  The π symbol is black because it is the assigned contrast indicator.

This numbers 227 are connected to π via ASCII.  If you hold the ALT key type in 227 then let of the ALT key you get π! Is is based upon the fact that the fraction 22/7ths (22÷7) is approximately ≈ Pi as 3.142857.

Thus another alternate π day is July, 22!  Instead of Ally E., there were two great math people to remember on this date: Gaspard de Pony 1755 and Fredrick Gasbel 1784. Gapard was a Frenchman who mechanized math and separated 'low' ranking calculator people from 'high' minded mathematicians. Fred G. was first person to determine accurate values of the the relative distance of the sun to another star via its parallax, opening up the world beyond the Solarian. A Solarian is any being that lives or was born in our Solar System, whether they are from Moon, Mars, Io, Venus, Mercury, or Artificial Satellite.

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