Sunday, July 15, 2018

The Big Apple Flag & Zesty Tomato Flag

Once upon a time, someone coined the term The Big Apple.  Well, right next to the Big Apple is New Jersey.  People in NYC often look down at Jersey, making New Jersey the quintessential underdog.  Even though western Connecticut is just like Jersey it does not have the same reputation, being a concrete jungle spiked with pollution and outspoken pushy people.  But it is not always a rivalry.  When New York and New Jersey team up, they are an unstoppable force linking the upscale and downscale, white collar and blue collar, the plain Jane and fancy Nancy.

Likewise New Jersey prides herself on the Jersey Tomato, thus it is fitting that this original fruit from New Jersey totally represents America more authentically than say a large apple.  Reason being, apples are from the Old World, while Tomatoes were cultivated in the New World by "savages"---NOT!! in the Americas.  So you can enjoy All American Apple Pie, from New York or a Zesty Pizza Pie from New Jersey.  Sorry, New York...but it is a fact that New Jersey has better pizza!  As a consolation, people prefer apple juice over tomato juice 10 to 1, but Jersey Pizza Pie is America's Best.  Likewise nothing can beat a home baked New York Apple Pie.

Yeah, New York is famous for its flat pizza, which beats down Illinois's Chicago Pizza by a mile, which is more akin to a Pizza Quiche.  Don't get me wrong, NY flat pizza is delish!  And cah-go' pizza is unique treat everyone should try. But you can't beat out Jersey's fresh tomatoes.

And remember the Statue of Liberty, technically is within New Jersey's borders.

New Jersey & New York 

The Boss & The Piano Man

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