Monday, July 2, 2018

Mercer County, New Jersey - Looks like a King's Head

Mercer County, New Jersey has a humble flag.  It is a green tree on a buff background, with ribbons announcing its name and established date, 1838.  But there is something neato about the shape of the county.  It looks like the head of a king! 

The crown portion is mostly Hopewell Township, which runs into Hunterdon County.  If you can imagine this king with a beard, then the city of Trenton is where the ear would be.

But the best association is, that, the nose is where Princeton Township is located.  This is so appropriate since many (but not all) academic egg heads are snooty and stick their noses up at common folk who do not have a substantial amount of letters that follow one's name like Ph.D., M.S., LL.M., S.J.D., or MD. If you can't find the nose, it's sniffing Somerset and Middlesex Counties.   Rumor has it the King of Mercer County is looking at NYC, in admiration, or is that jealousy?

As for the eye-ball of the Old King of Mercer County, it would be the area on the southwestern side of Mt. Rose, New Jersey.  Specifically the three roads when you line them perfectly outline the eye: Carter Road, Elm Ridge Road, and Pennington Rocky Hill Road.  Thus if you run around this area, you have run around the eye of King of Mercer County. 

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