Thursday, July 5, 2018

Homestead Logo from Passengers - 2016

The Homestead logo from the movie Passengers 2016 features a kind of bee hive like hexagonal structure.  It has 38 hexagons in three different sizes.  In a way it reflects the class system of passengers upon the ship, large sizes for higher classes near the center and small sizes for classes on the outer rims.

Class is an ancient structure of society and communal animals.  In the modern day, many try to ignore and attempt to make it disappear.  But the need the separate and judge others according to ability and awareness seems to be natural phenomena, be it academically, by physical capacity, or by organic nature with identity politics.

Often, children especially relish judging others by their capacity to be athletic, beautiful, or intelligent, demonstrating the human appetite to put others in different classes, subsequently forming different cliques or "classes."  As with identity politics, wolf packs or any type of colonial insect, people are born or grow or fit into different castes.

Previously, new social perspectives would take decades to ferment and cause effective change. Usually younger generations would judge their ancestors as prejudiced-backwards thinking persons.  However as we go forward, the restructuring of the social class class dynamic has accelerated to about a five year span, whereby view and opinions from 2013 are deemed old fashioned by updated by socially progressive leaders.   Perhaps in the near future the dynamic will shift to a yearly cycle?  Whereby, last years viewpoints are deemed inappropriate?
The logo of the homestead company, which is shipping Earthlings on a one way trip to another planet, can be seen on a screen.  The hero/bad guy's name is seen on the screen, James Preston.  

An officer is awoken to help rescue the ship.  Only after a high ranking member is awoken can change be made.   On his right arm, the logo of the Homestead company can just barely be seen.

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