Monday, November 6, 2017

African-Israel Pride Flag

The African-Israel Pride flag takes the Pan-African colours and unites it with the flag of Israel.  Perhaps the most famous African-Israelite was Sammy Davis Jr.  Likewise the are many Black-Israelites who live in Dimona, Israel

The central star sparkles with red edges and yellow center. Although these Hebrews have black skin in the their hearts, they are deeply connected to Judaism by faith and blood.

1 comment:

  1. There is no African Israel Jewish people. There is one Jewish nation known to us from history and the present, which is one of the oldest nations in history that survived and exists also today.
    Africans who identify themselves today as the descendants of the "real" Jews are appropriating others past for improper reasons. This is a fashion that started in small at the end of the 19th century and today is practiced mainly in America. Those Africans steal the identity of others to glorify themselves. But in fact they provoke mockery and contempt for their clumsy, anti-intellectual and false experiment.

    Sammy Davis Jr. had converted according to Halacha by a Jewish rabbi because he believed in the God of Israel and his commandments and he became a complete Jew, not because he was born a "black Israelite".
