Saturday, May 20, 2017

Orange Prize Flags from Double Dare 1986-1993

Double Dare the Nickelodeon game show for kids was an 1980s mega-bomb of super, silly, slimy fun!  It had that ubiquitous 1980s rock, electro-guitar riff.  After the initial playoff round of two teams of questions and dares, the winning team had an opportunity to run an obstacle course of eight challenges.  With each obstacle was an bright orange flag that they had to grab, in order to claim the prize.

The host of Nickelodeon's Double Dare was Marc Summers, a friendly all American brand from Indiana.  In this photo Summers is describing the obstacle course and pointing out where some of the flag are, as kids do, they often forget to grab the flag and listen to directions!

Kids had 60 seconds to get all eight flags.  It happened every so often.  You can blame Double Dare for all the wacky adult physical challenge games that would later absorb the TV airwaves of the early and mid Mighty-20 ohs.

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