Sunday, May 7, 2017

Flags from Happy - Documentary Film 2011

In 2011 the family documentary movie Happy was released.  It promoted that inner happiness is important, more so than external happiness.  Its been said many times over and over, but many people obsess over external pursuit of happiness.  There is a baseline need for external happiness, but internal happiness is paramount.

 The film has a short segment about happiness in school.  A motivational speaker at Benicia Middle School, talks about how poorly people treat other, and is able to get a few bullied kids to bear their soul.  Showing that their bravery to speak candidly in front of their peers is important, and takes real courage.
 Here a few men in Bhutan relax while doing archery and have flags in the background set up.
Here an elderly person in a wheel chair has US flag attached to the side.  Although he is alone and feeding the birds, he raises his hands in the air to feel the happy.

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