Monday, January 25, 2016

Flag for the Serbo-Croatian Language

The flag for the Serbo-Croatian language is a modified flag of Serbia and Croatia with some modern Bosnian elements.

The colours of navy blue and sea green reflect that language is the water element of a persons identity.  Like water that fills a glass, whatever environment your early mind is shaped in you will take on that identity.  Learning a language is like learning to swim, and it takes time and practice.  Eventually an ocean of information overtakes the mind.  Many people can only swim or sail in one type of ocean.  Some persons who are native to the English Ocean in the United States can paddle a little bit in the Spanish Ocean.  But nearly everyone in the United States can splash around in the kiddie pools of France, Japan, or China since they may know a few words: like Bonjour!  Shay Shay?  Oui!  Domoarigato!  It takes time and a lot of practice to sail in different Linguistic Oceans, especially if you are a native to the English Ocean of Speech

Remember that most people in Canada and the United States may speak English, yet are not English. Thus one should not confuse language with ethnicity as is often the case with Spanish speakers, since there are many people who sail the Spanish Ocean their entire lives, yet do not have one drop of Spanish blood in the heart.  Likewise, there are many people with English names in the USA who live their entire life in the English Ocean and have absolutely no English blood flowing their veins.

Likewise many people in India learn to sail the Ocean of English at school, yet have zero English Heritage. 


  1. This is beyond offensive!!!! An person with even the most basic, rudimentry knowledge of the histories and cultures of the western balkan peninsula would know better! Not to mention taking national symbols of different ethnicities and defacing them in this absurd fusion to promote an intellectual farce is disrespectful to a degree that is beyond discription and should be criminalized!!!

    1. Your sincerity is noted.

      I will assume you are Serbian. Just know that I love Serbia very much. It has special place in my heart. Every night when I look to the North Star I see the heart of Serbia, for me Serbia is the little bear, Ursa Minor who guards the North Pole. Russia is the Ursa Major who defends the North. When Serbia and Russia cooperate for greater good, it is good for world.

      I believe the good people of Serbia turned the tide of WWII. Most people of my country do not know Serbia, let alone anything about the Balkans. They see Serbia as hot-blooded angry people, who were responsible for WWI...but I know better. Serbia = Good.

    2. Why I love Serbia so much?

      During sad chapter when my heart very broken, a Serbian man and woman show me kindness.
