Monday, April 6, 2015

New York City's Geographic Latitude-Longitude Flags

Since NYC lies on 10s line the second white star is understood and not necessary
Geographic Latitude-Longitude flags are apolitical flags that convey information.  They represent latitude and longitude and can be flown anywhere on the planet.

New York City just happens to lie on two degrees, on the 73rd and 74th Western line of longitude.  Thus NYC can fly two flags.  One dividing spot in Lower Manhattan is along Broadway and Broome Street.  For the record all of Staten Island flies the same flag with a green fly, as does the Statue of Liberty.  And the most of the Brooklyn Bridge flies the yellow fly except for the entrance on Manhattan's side.  Since all of NYC lies along the 40 Degrees North they both have a green and white star. 

 NYC's East Side flag has a yellow fly.  All of Queens, the Bronx, and most of Brooklyn plus Manhattan can fly this flag. 
 NYC's West Side Latitude-Longitude flag has green fly.  All of Staten Island and just the western nibble of Manhattan plus the Brooklyn can fly this flag.

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