Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Mason-Dixon Line Heritage Flag for 39 Degrees 43 Minutes North

Nearly 100 years before the outbreak of the US Civil War, a border survey between Maryland and Pennsylvania would echo across time.  This echo would serve as the semi-official demarcation between the North and South.

Little did Mr. Mason, Chuck and Mr. Dixon, Jerry know that this border established under King George III would serve as a quasi-cultural border of men and women yet to be born a century later.  These names from Oakridge-Lynch and Cockfield, England would become warped with a totally different connotation, beyond their wildest expectations.  History has a way of doing that with new ideas, a moment here, an exaggeration there.  Given enough time, it becomes established, and may even become something completely new.

It was nearly 150 years ago that the war between the US States was reaching its climactic end, so in honor of this closing act, "The Mason-Dixon Line Heritage Flag".  The Mason-Dixon flag is a mixture of a heritage and geographic flag.  Its design elements should be obvious, as a mash up of Union and Rebel flags.  The five stars on the quarters of blue represent the modern free soil states that cross the extended Mason-Dixon line: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and California.  The four stars along the blue diagonal represent the four states that allowed for the wicked right of a person to own another person: Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, and West Virginia.  Finally the central star represents the first state of the English Colonies that would be broken in half: Virginia. Until 1863 Virgina crossed the extended Mason-Dixon line.  

Thus any state mentioned above, has legal rights to fly this flag at 39 Degrees 43 Minutes North, that's 15 in all. 

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