Monday, December 2, 2013

The Lower West Israeli Angle Flag

Happy Cybermondannukah?

This is the first time Cyber Monday and Hannukah have met up.Thanksgiving and Hannukah are well known, but it like the first Olympic, nobody care until much later. And shopping on Cyber Monday will not go away.  Trying to spread the cheer of the miracle from the Holy Land.  Anyways imagine getting 81 miles to the gallon in your car/truck for a week and it not being a hybrid or energy efficient system.  Well then, you'd certainly be grateful for the oil burning that extra long mile.  That sort of, is the spirit of Hannukah. 

This flag is for the area of land not perpendicular towards Israel.  Put another way for the area that is south and west of Israel. It is the counter charge-opposite flag for the North-Eastern Area Flag.

Note all of South America and the Caribbean is in the Lower West Israeli Angle.  As is most of West Africa.  A small wee portion of the United States is also a part of the area: the southern half of Florida, Texas, and all of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.  The Major US Cities in the South Western Angle of Israel include - Miami, Tampa Bay, Orlando, and Daytona.

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