Sunday, April 14, 2013

Andalusia Virginia Tilt Flag

Andalusia is the most southern region of Spain that nearly touches Africa.  In fact most of this Spanish federal subject is aligned with Africa rather than to Europe, thus it deserves a Virginia Tilt flag.   

Interesting snychronicity is that after Islam expanded in spirit into Eastern Europe, by capturing the foundational City of Bible, Constantinople converted into a Islamic center and received her an Islamic name - Istanbul.  But a few years later the Islamic Nations in Western Europe were expelled - Al Anadlusia being one of them.   As Islam would gain a foothold in Eastern Europe, only a generation later to loose it Western Europe. 

The Siege of Grenada in 1492 by Christian forces on and Islamic City was cosmically balanced to the Siege of Constantinople in 1453 by Islamic forces on Christian City.

As the 15th Century saw the lights of Christian Constantinople go out, so to would Islamic lights of Cordoba be silenced into oblivion.  Just as the once great Christian Hagia Sophia became an Islamic Center, so to would the Grand Mosque of Cordoba convert into a Church.  

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