Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Flags for states with a "Missouri Middle Max" point of view

Missouri is the first state in the Union to be pan-geographic with respect to Africa and Europe. Missouri like several other states is parallel to both continental Africa and Europe with respect to geography.

The Missouri difference is that it crosses over beyond the intercontinental overlap of Africa and Europe. Thus Missouri has soil in both regions that are wholly European and wholly African. Two other states in the class of the Missouri Middle Maximum are - California and Nevada. Thus these states get Missouri Middle Max Flags.

 The essential element of a Missouri Middle Maximum flag is that it have the 24 starred ring of the Missouri State Flag, which is a number of wholeness since there are 24 hours in a day. So like a semi-famous Mr. Cooper A., Missouri Maximum States can see things from many - supposedly an all sides - points of view.

The Nevada Missouri Middle Max Flag
Nevada has more area on par with Europe but her southern counties are even to North Africa and Algeria.

 The California Missouri Middle Max Flag

California is the proverbial Yin and Yang State since it has the highest and lowest points of the United 48 States. Likewise she is balanced between Africa and Europe - LA being on par with Africa while San Francisco is on par with Europe. 

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