Monday, January 2, 2012

British Indian Ocean Territory Flag and the Mosquito Coast Flag - Fraternal Twins

Flag of British Indian Ocean Territory
also B.I.O.T.

The flag of British Indian Ocean Territory seems to be in a league of its own. This crumb of 'India' is last the remnant of the forlorn British Indian and African Empire. It is a tiny group of Islands located in the virtual middle between Asia, Africa, and Australia.

Its more popular name is Diego Garcia. And it is a strategic post for the US Military with the War on Terror.

The flag is a rare British Ensign design that does not conform to the typical red, blue, or white field. Rather the field consists of wavy stripes - three long blue and three short blue. Bordered by seven white wavy stripes - two long, two short, one long - missing half its bottom, one long that that is 3/4ths complete and finally one short 1/2 that is missing its top. In total there are thirteen blue and white wavy stripes that are reflective of the Indian Ocean. The charge on the field consists of a British Royal Crown and a eight branched palm tree.

Flag of the forlorn Mosquito Coast

Its unique design would indicate it probably wouldn't have a fraternal partner, but alas it does. Its partner is outside of the official 'now' but nonetheless is congruent with the flag of the Mosquito Coast.

The design of the Mosquito Coast has nine stripes - five blue and four white. There is no charge on the field of stripes.

The flag of the no longer existent Mosquito Coast is the fraternal twin to British Indian Ocean Territory. The Mosquito Coast existed partly as constitutional monarchy for 60 years from 1834 unto 1894. It was located on the eastern shore of Nicaragua and a wee bit of Honduras. In a way the Mosquito Coast belongs in the same category of the Confederacy as English Speaking 'American' Nations that are no more. Although not as big as the C.S.A. the Mosquito Coast existed for nearly 12 times longer.

The Mosquito Coast and BIOT semi-nations that have their own 'mexican' or 'mextizo' or 'metis' kind of people. From the Mosquito Coast there is the Miskito Ethnic who are mostly a mix of African and Native American Indian. On the other side of the world from BIOT we have the Chagossians who are a mix of African and India peoples.

Outside of time from the Atlantic to the Pacific
these blue and white stripes merge under a Queen and King

US Military Welcome Video about BIOT or Diego Garcia

Lonely Planet Video about the 'modern' Mosquito Coast

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