Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Neighbor the Totoro, the Totoro Vexilloids - leafs and umbrellas

Notice the Totoro holding natural vexilloids - leaves

In 1988 Hayao Miyazaki's Tonari no Totoro would stir the imagination of Japan. A Totoro is a type of forest spirit-creature that can only be seen by little children, if they want to show themselves. They live in the forests and collect acorns. Totoros are like a mix of bunny and squirrel with a dash of magic.

In the movie three types of Totoros make an appearance. The smallest is a white totoro.  This wee white puff uses a tiny sprout as a vexilloid. The medium size blue totoro uses a large leaf as a vexilloid, and finally a large grey totoro with 'v' markings on the chest.  The big grey Totoro uses an umbrella as his vexilloid.

Satsuki and the smaller Totoros
causing the trees to grow

To the left is a little white totoro and mid-size blue totoro, they are standing in front of the tree patch that the girls had planted. In a strange semi-real dream, the Totoros show the girls how to help the seeds sprout into powerful cosmic tress. The totoros have seemed to open an alternate potential reality where the trees grow to enormous heights.

But the next morning, the girls return to ordinary reality minus the gargantuan trees, but the seeds that they had planted have sprouted. Although it seemed like a dream it was an educational experience out of the ordinary, with a little totoro magic.

Totoros with the girls
helping the spouts come pop up

Here the three Totoros with their respective vexilloids - an umbrella, a leaf, and a sprout stand next to Mei and Satsuki. The Totoro's show Mei and Satsuki that trees and people are interconnected.

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