Friday, May 27, 2011

Sea Shepard Indigenous Flags - Iroquoi, Aboriginal, & Maori

Who knew? Who knew that the Iroquois Flag would become the battle flag in the South Ocean in the 21st Century?

The Sea Shepard Group is a seriously dedicated environmentalist organization, willing to risk their own lives in order to protect endangered species.

On their first season on Animal Planet - the world was witness to their extreme but non lethal assault on a South Ocean Japanese Whaling Fleet. Green Peace conducts similar missions but on a caliber that is much less confrontational. When Sea Shepard targets a Japanese whaling vessels they use non-lethal annoying chemical weapons.

The Violet Iroquois Flag flying on the Steve Irwin

Not only does Sea Shepard fly a Native American Flag - but the flags of the Native Aussies - the Aboriginals- and Native Kiwis - the Maori - are proudly flown on their decks.

The Southern Ocean has not yet hosted a 'theater of war.' But the clash of "Scientific" Japanese Whalers vs an aggressive environmentalist group is perhaps the closest 'battle' the South Ocean has yet to witness. Even today battle continues.

Video Collage of Iroquois Battle Flag

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