Thursday, May 5, 2011

50th Anniversary of US SPACE FLIGHT

Mission of Patch of the USA's
first launch of an Astronaut on Cinco de Mayo 1961

50 years ago today, America entered the elite club of human spaceflight. But a foreign holiday has ursuped the lime light of this historical and epic flight.

It must be easier to make money off Cinco de Mayo? Most of the media outlets in the United States gave mucho air time to this St. Patty's Day-like holiday, that celebrates a military victory of another nation? Just Amazing!

50 years ago Cinco De Mayo was not a holiday! Perhaps it's only fair that someday in the future the USA should celebrate a French Canadian battle victory over the British? That holiday would of course be sponsored by Molson, Canada Dry, and LeBatt? Perhaps it could be celebrated in late September. A drinking holiday sounds good about then. This might be trendy once an immigrant group gets enough power in the US, it can celebrate its own patriotic drinking holiday when it beat up some other nation?

Of course these holidays must fall on and occult important American moments in history. Like the day the Wright brothers built an airplane back in 1903. We could insert and make up an American-Chilean Holiday when they fought against Peru and made them land locked nation.

The important thing is to market it properly and sell it with a theme and specific kind of alcoholic beverage.

Final Example: Sake, Japan, Cherry Blossom and their Naval victory over Russia in 1905 = new holiday...any takers?

Alan B Shepard
the first American in Outer Space
Who Cares! It's Cinco De Mayo!

Let's Celebrate a Military Victory of another nation!

Please note that Cinco De Mayo is for Mexico only. Guatemalans, Puerto Ricans, Panamanians and other nations of Latin America are not included.

It is not a Pan-Latin American holiday that celebrates culture.

Makes you think what kind of new "American" holidays are just around the corner?

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