Saturday, January 15, 2011

US Naval Academy Flag & Capricorn

A Flag of the US Naval Academy
with Goat Mascot

The mascot of the US Naval Academy is a goat. Subsequently it has become an emblem on the US Naval Academy's Flag.

It may seem odd that the Navy would choose such an animal that has little propensity for the water. But before the industrial revolution ships that went out to sea carried livestock - and goats were one of the many land lubbers that accompanied blue water fleets.

Furthermore the goat aka Capricorn has the magical ability to become a mermaid goat. Capricorn is a sign of the Zodiac that has two morphs - the goat and mermaid goat. Thus "the goat" is an appropriate symbol of the US Navy.

Modified Flag of US Naval Academy
when the goat gets his legs wet - look out!

The Goat is jumping towards the sinister-left side. The colours of the US Navy are dark blue and yellow.

January the month of Capricorn - mostly.

At Navy FootBall Games - Bill Gets Ready to Rise the Crowd

Can you dedicate yourself to honor, courage, and commitment?
visit the US Naval Academy Here

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