Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hudson Bay Company Heritage: Part III

Since the states "south of the border" have honor HBC Flags, it makes sense that the modern Canadian Provinces and Territories should have HBC Flags as well, eh? The Hudson Bay Company is arguably America's oldest company. This corporation was chartered in 1670 and has not looked back since. You can see Part I of this HBC string by clicking "here" to learn more about the HBC - the longest living of corporations.

Even if you eschew the word 'Corporate' certainly the Hudson Bay Company deserves a little bit of respect as the oldest American Corporation - and besides it's Canadian - so you can expect a healthy dose of politeness and friendliness.

North West Territories HBC Flag

Only a small eastern portion of this territory is a part of the Hudson Bay Water shed. This is the part of Canada that is mostly cold. However much of Canada has four distinct seasons!

Alberta HBC Flags

Alberta is often compared to being the Texas of Canada, because it's a 'red province.' However it seems more appropriate to compare Alberta to Louisiana. In fact, the southern portion of Alberta was a part of Louisiana Purchase in 1803! In addition Alberta's proverbial first name is Louisiana. Alberta Province was named after Queen Victoria's daughter - Louise Caroline Alberta. Thus appropriate nick names for Alberta Province include Louisiana Province and even Canadian Carolina Province! I suppose this is partly why this part of Canada is perceived as having a Southern Tilt.

Nunavut HBC Flag

Some of you may not be aware of this youngest of Canadian districts. It came in to being officially on April Fools day 1999, no joke! However although the youngest most of the people living there have been in Canada the longest - the Inuit.

Saskatchewan HBC Flag

Saskatchewan is the Kansas of Canada, or rather Kansas is the Saskatchewan of the United States, eh?

Manitoba and Ontario province are also a part of the Hudson Bay Water Shed but they will be discussed in a later post, since they are fraternal flag twins.


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