Friday, December 10, 2010

Russian Fraternal Twin Flags: pt 9

Altay Republic & Kamchatka Territory
The Russian Xanadu

Flag of Kamchatka Territory

These are flags of two Russian Federal subjects in the Far East. The Altay Republic is the proverbial belly button of Russia - snuggled in between Kazakstan, China, and Mongolia. Kamchatka Territory is on the Pacific as the proverbial walrus tusk of Russia.

If you look closely at a map of Russia you can see a walrus. The head is facing towards Alaska, the front flipper hangs off of China and the back flipper runs into the Caucus region.

Both the flags of the Altay Republic and Kamchatka Territory have simple blue and white schematic - a white background with a blue strip along the bottom. Altay has an extra thin blue stripe while Kamchatka has semi-seal with three volcanoes with a red sun in the background.

Flag of Altay Republic

These Russian lands are natural wonderlands of East Asia. The Altay Republic has a majestic beauty similar to that of Wyoming while Kamchatka is Alaska's lost cousin but with much more volcanic activity. You can think of Kamchatka as being a hybrid version of Alaska mixed with Hawaii.

In fact, although Kamchatka is considered a part of Asia, tectonically speaking she is a part of the North American plate. Thus the land is more a part of the North America Continent than is Hawaii. Likewise the native people of Kamchatka are closely related to the some the native tribes in Alaska.

Russia Today Youtube Links

Kamchatka - the Russian Alaska with a Hawaiian flare

Altay Republic - the Russian
Shangra' la & Pearl of Siberia

Beatles I'm the Walrus Song showing that
Russia puts the RUS is walrus!


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