Saturday, December 4, 2010

Russian Fraternal Twin Flags: pt 3

Tambov & Ivanovo

Flag of Ivanovo Province
Moscow's Secondary Gurad to the East

The flags of Tambov & Ivanovo Provinces align by my 'flag symmetry' concept. Both flags are basically divided from top to bottom in the middle. Their right-hoist sides are red and the left-fly sides are blue. Both flags feature a heraldic shield. Tambov has a torch and weaving spinner while Ivanovo has a bee hive and with three large bees. On the crest of both flags are crowns.

These Russian Provinces are two territorial 'clicks' away from Moscow. If you can think of Moscow of being the center of the Russian Doll - Tambov & Ivanovo would be the second doll from the center. Likewise Leningrad Province & Ulyanovsk Province (first Russian post) would be the third doll from the center since they are three territorial 'clicks' away from Moscow.

Flag of Tambov Province
Moscow's Secondary Guard to the South

Ivanovo have a Yin and Yang aspect of the Russian Soviet Era. Ivanovo Province was home to one of the first Soviets to form in 1905, years before the birth of the Soviet Union. However Tambov Province was home one of largest anti-Soviet rebellions in 1920-1921. The Soviet Union officially came into existence in 1922.

Learn more about Ivanovo Province Click Here

Learn more about Tambov Province Click Here
Link to Wikipedia - Tambov Oblast


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