Saturday, November 20, 2010

Joint GWAV & CBFA Meeting 2010, Part I

A joint meeting between two vexillological groups took place at Wheeling, West Virginia on the weekend of November 13, 2010. It was held between the Great Waters Association of Vexillology and the Chesapeake Bay Flag Association. The first day of the meeting took place at the historic West Virginia Independence Hall.

Nearly 150 years earlier a pro-Union Virginian congress met at this location, in spring of 1861. An important delegate of the 'Anti-Confederate Virginia Congress' was a cousin of Stonewall Jackson - John Jay Jackson.

1936 National Geographic Issue
Photo of an Authentic Son's of Liberty Flag?

The first speaker was Peter Ansoff. The title of his presentation was No Primary Reference: The Flag of the Sons of Liberty. In 1936 National Geographic published a photo of a supposed authentic Son's of Liberty Flag from the Revolutionary Era. However the sewing method and condition of the flag was inconsistent with flags made in the 1760s.

Mr. Ansoff also discussed the selection process for the NAVA 44 meeting flag.

Part of an Authentic Announcement
for Son's of Liberty Meeting from 1760s

You can learn more about the Sons of Liberty
On Wikipedia Here

See Mr. Ansoff on Youtube

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