Friday, October 22, 2010

Vexi-tension 2010

The small town of King, North Carolina has become the focal point of a vexillological controversy. Tension has erupted over the flying of the generic Christian Flag. A vigil since September 22, 2010 has arisen to protect the 'Christian Flag.'

The ACLU, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, and resident of King, North Carolina filed a complaint to get it removed from a veterans memorial.

Ironically the flying of the cross on a flag was also controversial during the New England Colonial Period in the 1600s. Extreme religious 'Christian' leaders saw the cross as a symbol of the 'dreadful' pope. Thus it was removed from the New England flag and worship with crosses was banned for fear of papist influences.

However, I agree with persons on and sponsoring the flag vigil. The Christian Flag of North Carolina should be protected and flown.
Flag of Lousiana

If it is not allowed to fly, it sets a dangerous precedent. Several US State flags already have Christian symbolism on them. Louisiana has a pelican, which is a heraldic symbol of Christianity. Also the pelican is shedding its breast with three droplets of blood which reflects the "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." Likewise the State flag of Maryland has two red crosses which is clearly linked to the Christianity. Utah has a beehive upon it, which is a religious symbol of Mormonism.

Flags of Utah & Maryland

Also The flag of Hawaii has the Christian emblems of St. George, St. Patrick, and St. Andrew?

Finally the flags of New York and New Jersey feature the Pagan Goddess Liberity, Justice, and Ceres?

Lean More About this Story at NPR

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