Monday, October 11, 2010

Columbus Day

Flag of Columbus, Ohio

Happy Columbus Day Observed 2010!

This holiday had its ups and downs. On the 400th Anniversary on October 12, 1892 the United States was finally old enough be aware and organize it as a holiday. The nation was more that 100 years old, 104 to be exact. The free press and government recognized Christopher Columbus' accidental journey as an essential turning point in US and World History. Perhaps the most memorable result of this 400th anniversary was the creation of the Pledge of Allegiance by Frances Bellamy.

Several hundred years after the passing of Christopher Columbus several US cities were destined to bear his name. The largest and most renowned is Columbus, Ohio. Columbus, OH is one of the few cities to have an official flag.

The second largest city named after America's discoverer is in Georgia. Columbus, Georgia is a thriving mid sized city on the border of Alabama. Interesting historical fact about Columbus, GA is that it was an key industrial center during the Civil War. It is where the last grand battle between the US and Confederate forces took place, after the surrender of General Lee and the assassination Lincoln, April 16, 1865. There is some debate as the totally last battle of Civil War, but without a doubt, Columbus Georgia was the last battle fought in the Original 13.

The city motto: "What Progress has Preserved"
is a cute contradiction. It's balanced opposite
could be: "The Progress of Preservation"

Interesting trivia about this 'last of civil war battles' was that the inventor of Coke, John Stith Pemberton was injured. Perhaps it's something about southern heat, thus Coke in summer is oh so sweet! Pepsi Cola was also invented in a southern state - North Carola - while Texas gave us Dr. Pepper! Essentially soda pop was created in the US Sun Belt to quench thirst on those hot hot summer days up north, or all year round in the Deep South. Soda Pop is essentially a beverage of the forlorn Confederacy!

The interesting vexillological situation is that both state flags have stars and stripes that most closely reflect the pattern of the US Federal Flag.

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