Sunday, August 8, 2010

Malawai Flag Shift

Old Malawi Flag -2010
New Malawi Flag 2010-

Malawi has recently shifted the design of the flag due to political considerations. This has been something of a popular tool of political parties that surrender power after a long period of time, especially in Africa and less developed nations. Perhaps every nation of Africa will come to modify the national flag whenever there a dynamic political shift?

Maybe this practice of a "new flag, new party" will be the wave of the future? Evey time a political party changes power, they change-modify the national flags? The uninformed and uneducated public simply accepting it as this is how it ought to be? New party new flag, so be it. Political parties in Africa will simply campaign with, 'Here is the New National Flag If We Win", so the public will know what their getting into?

Flag of Bosnia-Herzegovina
So what does this mean for my Flag Symmetry concept? An added dimension and a call for patience. This has happened before, for instance when Bosnia-Herzegovina Adopted the blue, yellow and white star flag on February 4, 1998. It became a partner-less flag. But after waiting a decade, the partner flag emerged. On February 17, 2008 the flag of Kosovo was adopted officially, which has a striking similarity and thus balance was restored. Thus here is an example of a 10 year gap in between soul searching-wating for an 'eternal fraternal sister.' I strongly speculate after a period of time the Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina's flag will change once again.
Flag of Kosovo
Old Bosnia-Herzegovina FlagHowever the old Bosnia-Herzegovina flag is partnered with the current Cyprus Flag. This is a special case since their official overlap period is only six years from 1992-1998 when both flags were officially flying. These oddly paired flags are indicative of the political turmoil between Eastern Europe and Western Asia, as reflected by Christianity and Islam.

Official Cyprus Flag

Flag of Georgia

The current conflict of Northern Cyprus 'within in' Cyprus is reflective of the current conflict of Georgia. Georgia, like both Cypruses, has a conflict of 'linguistic-ethnic crusader-jihad' turmoil with its separatist states of Abkhazia and Ossetia. Both nationally tumultuous situations arose from interference from our civilizations lastly purely Eurasian Nations that have soil by all definitions in both Asia and Europe: Russia and Turkey.

Flag of Northern Cyprus

PS.....BONUS BLOG for Generation I folk only!!! (LOL): You can think of it as an odd metaphor between the rivalry of Vampire and Warewolves.

(if you take this too seriously you should have your head examined by a professional)
Islam with the crescent moon are the Warewolves which would be the Turks. Since Christianity is associated with being reborn after death like the immortal Vampire, they would be the Russians (blood = wine). For centuries the Sultans-(Warewolves) of Turkey have fought the Czars-(Vampires) of Russia for dominance along the Black Sea and even Romania. That's partly why there is so much chaos in Georgia, Cyprus, and the Balkans. Islam and Christianity have clashed here, like a mucho grande supersize Taco Bell burrito toilet bowl buster!

I suppose to complete this metaphor the Jews would have to be mummies? After all, ancient Egyptians had a special fondness for circumcision, ouch! In any case the battle between 'Vampires' and 'Warewolves' is totally intense in Cyprus, Georgia, and the Balkans.

Czar vs Sultan

Vampire vs Warewolf

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