Monday, July 19, 2010

Washington in a Dodge Challenger?

British Flags
In 2010 the Dodge Motor Company made a big budget commercial that meshes the lines between Hollywood, history, and Madison Avenue. Dodge took the perennial president's day car sale mantra and launched it into the stratosphere, creating a well sculpted mesh of patriotism and advertising.

The commercial recreates a revolutionary battle scene between the Continental Army and British Forces. But the surprise comes, when General Washington charges British lines in a Dodge Challenger with two other cars in formation. This causes the British to break their lines and scatter unto the hills.

Washington aiming to show
the Empire what it's all about
More than 5 years ago I was on the Dodge team with a Dodge Neon. I suppose I would've been scout or in the picket lines? Thus persons with Ram Dodge trucks would be artillery. Persons with Challengers would be a part of the cavalry. But if you had Dodge Van you'd be the proverbial supply wagon or medical tent.
Dodge Challenger Flag

This commercial plays with American Patriotism via a joyful, deadpan, over the top absurdity, that tickles the soul. The one drawback is that this commercial would alienate UK or Canadian customers. Maybe a Canadian company will make a video about the War of 1812? If Ford really wanted to tap the Southern Truck Market: a Civil War battle scene with trucks? Why the hell not...this is America?

Commercial of Washington Charging with his Challenger

This battle scene is most likely supposed to be in New Jersey. New Jersey was good to Washington, as Washington claimed his earliest and hard won victories in Jersey.

Like General Robert E. Lee, both honorable Virginians retreated from Pennsylvania battle fields. Lee lost at Gettysburg on July 4, 1861 and Washington lost at the Battle of Brandywine Creek on September 11, 1777. New York also gave the boot to Washington at the battle of Manhattan, but New Jersey lifted the spirit and confidence of Washington.

After the bitter winter of Valley Forge, the revolution was definitely running low on gas. But Washington's victory at Trenton, NJ on Christmas Day 1776 revved up the American Spirit. Washington had several more victories in New Jersey as well: Princeton, Monmouth, and Trenton for a second time. The important thing to note is, Washington was doing it all on his own, before France and Spain jumped on the bandwagon.

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