Saturday, March 13, 2010

2010 SNL Flag Short Analysis: Part V

This is the final installment of the Flag's of the World Digital Short Video by Saturday Night Live.

by guest blogger, Jacqueline Handy

Scotty flag is a play off of the flag of Scotland called a Scotch Flag. They really don't harmonize too well visually only acoustically. They could have used a bottle of Scotch for a Scotch Flag or made a flag out of Scotch Tape too.

Stag Flag kinda goes with Girlfriend on a Rag Flag. When you Google Stag, you usually get some kind of deer or a Bachelor Party. A Bachelor Party flag would have went better, than just a stag flag and it would have been a funnier image. I guess SNL ran out of time, or didn't bother to Google Stag?

They represent extremes in the male and female hormones. A Girlfriend on the Rag flag has unbalanced levels of female hormones running though her body, while men at a STAG PARTY can beat chests and let their testosterone rule the roost. They act like a wild deer with antlers, better known as a Stag.

Also when you Google Stag you often get a some chick showing off her feathers to bunch of guys. SNL didn't want to use this kind of image because it's pro femi-nutzy. If you didn't notice SNL is pro commie-affirmative action via female comedians. Rather SNL loves to show us with men kissing men, and flashing us strap on dildos. SNL means Saturday Night Liberals.

A flag made out of a check hoisted by a pencil makes Check Flag? They should of at least had a patriotically designed check. There are many kinds of checks with US flags on it. Instead they went with the flag of someone they knew: Alexander M. Lindsay.

Who is this person? He must have an account with Chase Manhattan Bank and apparently his birthday may be February 27, 1987 and he has some sort of relationship with Rebecca Jr. Lally.

This is connected to another flag that is simply a kite with US flag pattern on it. Thus they match by flag on a pencil and flag on a string. Also, flying kites and receiving checks is fun!

These two flag represent the two main forms of modern entertainment and mass communication: TV and the Movies. The movie the Hottie and the Nottie starred Paris Hilton, while the NBC's Lost is one of it's hottest television shows.

The Final Pair!

Yahtzee dice with a checkered flag. Whether you're rolling dice or hoping for your car to win, it's all a gamble and there can only be one winner. But in the end it's all about the ride, so basically SNL is telling you to smile, take some chances, have fun and enjoy life, it'll be over before your know it!

Conclusion: So what do all these pairings mean? Basically the skit created by Saturday Night Live was most likely done by a team of writers and comedians. The primary architect of this flag skit was the lyricist or lyricists. The whole project represents an input of several minds at work.

It shows that there is a need for harmony on the most subtle level of things.

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