Saturday, August 13, 2022

Doylestown Borough Pennsylvania Flag in Action


Here is the Doylestown Borough Flag in all its glory and action, at the recently created park in front of the new Borough Hall. Notice the date incorporation is on the flag as 1838, which went on line during the presidency of Martin Van Buren.  

 Link to some of the famous and splendid buildings of Doylestown Borough, Pennsylvania.



Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Flag of Nexdoria, Coming 2 America 2021


The flag of Nexdoria uses the Pan-African colors red, yellow, and green.  There is yellow chevron that separates an upper red field and lower green field.  A yellow star is near the top of the green triangle. 

Izzi of Nexdoria with flag patch of Nexdoria and an out of focus soldier of Nexdoria with circular patch.

Flag of Zamunda, Coming 2 America 2021


The flag of Zamunda is horizontal bicolour, black on top, green below.  The icon in the center is the outline a lion either holding a weapon or some sort of flower, or maybe its the sun.  

Attention to detail for this sequel was paramount.  When Eddie returns to America for the 2nd time, his limousine is decked out with gold fringed car flags.  





The coat of arms for Zamunda are slightly different compared to the flag.  The shield is divided vertically instead and the colors are blue and green instead of black and green.  

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Flags in Strawberry Mansion 2021

Strawberry Mansion is the new cult sleeper classic for the 20s.  There are movies made every so often that are artful and fun.  This movies taps that market for the mind expanding movies made on basic budget that is swarmed with tender love in care.  Something magical with a solid artistic heart the Coraline 2009, yet surreal like Altered States 1980. 

Of flags in the movie, during the ordering scene during the Cap'n Kelly Chicken board, chickens along the bottom can be seen walking towards the right with banners attached to their tail feathers.  One of the banners read "Trust Your Cravings." 

The decal on the hat of the disembodied customer service Cap'n Kelly Chicken has with a uniquely drawn anchor, which effectively represents their brand. 

Strawberry Mansion is a movie of the Naked Lunch variety, but its set design and art direction are hypnotically stunning, worthy of an academy award.  It is truly a work of art, that tells a fun story with a message, without the giving one a beating on the head, unlike the mainstream political jackhammer of tinsel town.

Tired of the Hollywood schlock?  Give this movie a try, it's a dreamy trip made with heart on dime.