Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Soylent Green People Mass Recycling Truck


A unique vexillological item in Soylent Green, set in a dystopian year of 2022, appears on the waste management vehicle.  As it was a rather low budget sci-fi movie, they just printed a design a slapped over the would have been official logo of the trash truck.  

One flag appears in the opening montage.  It looks like a pennant, that is impossible to discern.  It is jack of some sort; a jack is special type of flag flown at the front or bow of a ship.

The movies predicted the band Green Day would still be popular in the year 2022.  Just Amazing! Green Day needs to make a song called "Soylent Tuesday!"

It is so trippy look at a book from 1973 that shows the past from 2015 to 2019.  Back in 1973, 2022 seemed light years away.  From now, of the year 2022, that is like the year 2071!  Believe it or not much will have changed.  As Louis Zorich said in his seminal role of Chef Pete in Pete's Diner from The Muppets Take Manhattan, "Peoples are Peoples."

Somebody in 1973 must have been tripping on future somethings, because they hit the target that in 2022, people would wear masks.  But we don't all wear the same kind of drab clothes.  


The cool retro games of 1973! Apparently the rich man who had this in his apartment was video game collector, who could afford such a retro game in perfect condition.