Saturday, March 31, 2018

United Isle of Borneo Flag: A Flag for Malaysia-Brunei-Indonesia, Brumaladonesia

Borneo is the only island in the world that is home to three nations: Brunei, Malaysia, and Indonesia.  But there is a tiny minority of people who can claim heritage to all three nations.  If you forgot, love happens, and knows no boundary.  Subsequently this flag represents persons who have grandparents with all three nations.  The flag is combination of the three national flags.

The moon with the 14 pointed star is taken from the flag of Malaysia.  However the colours are altered in honor of Brunei's flag.  Brunei has a red moon, which is conserved but without the Arabic writing. Likewise the black colour is expanded for the entire canton.  The upper stripes of Malaysia are remnant, with the bottom half of Indonesia's white bar conserved.


Borneo adalah satu-satunya pulau di dunia yang adalah rumah bagi tiga negara: Brunei, Malaysia, dan Indonesia. Tapi ada minoritas kecil dari orang-orang yang bisa mengklaim warisan ke tiga negara tinggi. Jika Anda lupa, cinta yang terjadi, dan tidak mengenal batas. Selanjutnya bendera ini merupakan orang yang memiliki kakek-nenek dengan ketiga negara. bendera adalah kombinasi dari tiga bendera nasional.

Bulan dengan menunjuk bintang 14 diambil dari bendera Malaysia. Namun warna yang diubah untuk menghormati bendera Brunei. Brunei memiliki bulan merah, yang dilestarikan tapi tanpa tulisan Arab. Demikian juga warna hitam diperluas untuk seluruh kanton. Garis-garis atas Malaysia yang sisa, dengan bagian bawah bar putih di Indonesia dilestarikan.


Borneo adalah satu-satunya pulau di dunia yang merupakan rumah kepada tiga negara: Brunei, Malaysia dan Indonesia. Tetapi terdapat sebilangan kecil orang-orang yang boleh menuntut warisan ke tiga negara tinggi. Jika anda terlupa, cinta berlaku, dan tidak mengenal sempadan. Selepas itu bendera ini mewakili orang yang mempunyai datuk dan nenek dengan semua tiga negara. Bendera adalah gabungan ketiga-tiga bendera negara.

Bulan dengan 14 bintang pecah diambil dari bendera Malaysia. Walau bagaimanapun warna diubah sebagai penghormatan kepada bendera Brunei. Brunei mempunyai bulan merah, yang dipelihara tetapi tanpa tulisan Arab. Begitu juga warna hitam diperluaskan untuk seluruh kanton. Jalur atas Malaysia adalah sisa, dengan separuh bahagian bawah bar putih Indonesia dipelihara.

United Isle Flag of New Guinea - United Eastern and Western halves

New Guinea is a geographically beautiful island that just hurdles under the Equator in the southern hemisphere.  It is shaped like a bird of paradise itself.  Currently home to two political entities; Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.  However there is a small growing number of persons who are mixed heritage of Papua-Black and Indonesia-East Asian, kinda' like the Dwayne Jonson, being of a faux-Polynesian.  Just remember, love happens, and knows no boundaries.

This flag combines the banner of these two nations to united the island and honor those persons of mixed Indonesian-Papua New Guinea heritages.

New Guinea adalah pulau geografis indah yang hanya rintangan di bawah Equator di belahan bumi selatan. Ini berbentuk seperti burung surga itu sendiri. Saat ini rumah bagi dua entitas politik; Indonesia dan Papua Nugini. Namun ada semakin kecil orang yang warisan dari Papua-Hitam dan Indonesia-Asia Timur dicampur, agak' seperti Dwayne Jonson, menjadi sebuah faux-Polinesia. Hanya ingat, cinta yang terjadi, dan tidak mengenal batas.

Bendera ini menggabungkan bendera kedua negara ini untuk bersatu pulau dan menghormati orang-orang dari campuran warisan Indonesia-Papua Nugini. 

United Ireland Heritage Flag - Republic of Northern and Majority Ireland Flag

The United Heritage Ireland Flag is for persons who just happen to have family on both sides of the border.  There is a small minority of persons who have grandparents from Northern Ireland and from the Republic of Ireland.  They are a hybrid mix-race of Irish and British peoples.  Thus this flag honors those persons born in between.  If you forgot, love happens, and knows no boundaries.

Is é an Bhratach Heritage United Ireland do dhaoine a tharlaíonn ach go bhfuil teaghlaigh ar an dá thaobh den teorainn. Tá mionlach beag de dhaoine a bhfuil seantuismitheoirí ó Thuaisceart Éireann agus ó Phoblacht na hÉireann. Tá siad hibrideach meascán-cine na ndaoine Éireannacha agus Briotanacha. Dá bhrí sin onóracha bratach na daoine a rugadh i idir. Má tá tú dearmad, a tharlaíonn grá, agus a fhios ag aon teorainneacha. 

US Treasury Seal on Gamour Boys Dollar - Living Colour 1988

A large US dollar appears in Living Colour's video Glamour Boys 1988.  Living Colours was the rare 1980s African-American rock band that made some headway in pop culture.  You can see the seal of the US Treasury and the mint that the original dollar was copied from.  In this case case the dollar was create in SECTOR E - of Richmond Virginia.

This song and video poke fun and shallow, money, grubbing, image, obsessed men.  Gold diggers are usually considered female, but alas there are shinny, golden, turd, nugget digger males as well.  Unfortunately many of these obnoxious people get into positions of power.  But then a day come and the are humbled, if not by time then at the end.

Abundance and wealth is good, greed is bad.  Money is not evil, money is only a tool.  Take away money and you will still have selfish hoarding obsessed persons, willing to back stab and cheat no matter the currency.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Hispanola Flag - Union Flag of Haiti & the Dominican Republic; Le Republica de Haitiminican

Hispaniola was the first colony of the New World to arise and awaken in the wake of Christopher Columbus.  Spanish is still spoken on the starboard of the isle, French has become a localized language on the port side.  In the middle is the pattern of the Dominican flag and in the canton  upper fly is the pattern for Haiti.

This flag is for the entire isle of Hispaniola or persons who are mixed heritage of Haiti and the Dominican.  This can be of any ratio of having an ancestor from the Dominican and another from Haiti.

And never forget, love happens, and knows no boundaries!

 (In French)

Hispaniola a été la première colonie du Nouveau Monde à se lever et se réveiller dans le sillage de Christophe Colomb. Espagnol est encore parlé à tribord de l'île, le français est devenu une langue localisée du côté du port. Au milieu est le modèle du drapeau dominicain et dans la volée supérieure canton est le modèle pour Haïti.

Ce drapeau est pour l'île entière de Hispaniola ou des personnes qui font partie du patrimoine mixte d'Haïti et la République Dominicaine. Cela peut être de tout rapport d'avoir un ancêtre de la République Dominicaine et un autre d'Haïti. 

Et ne jamais oublier, l' amour arrive, et ne connaît pas de frontières!  

(In Spanish)

La Española fue la primera colonia del Nuevo Mundo que surja y despertar a raíz de Christopher Columbus. Español aún se habla en el estribor de la isla, el francés se ha convertido en un idioma localizado en el lado de babor. En el medio está el patrón de la bandera Dominicana y en la mosca superior cantón es el patrón para Haití.

Esta bandera es para toda la isla de La Española o personas que se mezclan herencia de Haití y la República Dominicana. Esto puede ser de cualquier relación de tener un antepasado de la Dominicana y otro de Haití. 

Y nunca se olvide, el amor sucede, y no tiene límites!  

Staint-Martin/Sint Maarten Union Isle Flag


Saint Martin is a divided isle in the Caribbean.  The parent nations are France and Netherlands.  Consequently the patterns of the French and Dutch flag are visible in this unity flag.  The green corners represent the lush green trees and other non-French, non-Dutch natives.

Likewise there is a small minority of people who are mixed French-Dutch Matin, so they can use this flag to represent their unifying Saint-Sint heritage.

If you unite the two sides of the island it looks like two hands coming together in prayer. Likewise, love happens, and knows no boundaries.

(In French)

Saint Martin est une île divisée dans les Caraïbes. Les nations mères sont la France et des Pays-Bas. Par conséquent, les motifs du drapeau français et néerlandais sont visibles dans cet indicateur de l'unité. Les coins verts représentent les arbres verdoyants et d'autres indigènes non-français, non néerlandais.

De même , il y a une petite minorité de gens qui sont mélangés Matin français-néerlandais, afin qu'ils puissent utiliser ce drapeau pour représenter leur patrimoine fédérateur Saint-Saint.

Si vous réunissez les deux côtés ses regards comme deux mains qui se réunissent dans la prière. De même, l' amour arrive, et ne connaît pas de frontières. 

(In Dutch)

Saint Martin is een verdeeld eiland in het Caribisch gebied. De ouder landen zijn Frankrijk en Nederland. Bijgevolg de patronen van de Franse en Nederlandse vlag zichtbaar in deze eenheid vlag. De groene hoeken vertegenwoordigen de weelderige groene bomen en andere niet-Franse, niet-autochtone Nederlanders.

Eveneens is er een kleine minderheid van de mensen die worden gemengd Frans-Nederlandse Matin, zodat ze kunnen deze vlag gebruiken om hun verenigende Saint-Sint erfenis te vertegenwoordigen.

Als u verenigen de twee zijden zijn uiterlijk als twee handen komen samen in gebed. Ook liefde gebeurt, en kent geen grenzen.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Bucks County Daughters of the American Revolution

The Bucks County DAR flag is a vertical tri-bar.  It maintains the DAR logo in the center.

Planters Peanut Bus, Permanent Pennant Flag

The Planters Peanut Bus visited Lansdale, PA today!  There is a pennant flag painted on the bus that is permanently waving.  If you eat a nut, you become the nut... a wise squirrel. 

The Orange Bicycle Flag

This is a bright orange safety flag for use with a bicycle.  The one company that dominates this market is Bell.  This picture was taken at the in transition to history Toy's R US.  Like Circuit City, Walden Books, Borders, and several other public market places, they are places no more.  Perhaps someday McDonald's or Starbucks will follow in the wake?  As society changes these once invincible stores do eventually shift or disappear.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Getting Over It - Flag Pole on Kids Castle Video Game by Bennet Foddy

Bennett Foddy - Playing Getting Over It

Getting Over It is mouse video game created by Bennett Foddy.  This game is majestic pile of  rage inducing puzzle that has the ability to pierce into the holes of the human heart.  No death, no shooting, no guns, just a man with a hammer who is suck in a pot, trying to get the top.   The closest thing to vexilloid is the flag-less flagpole on the children's jungle gym.

The game is something like a near perfect drug.  It is easy to get hooked into game play; human the curiosity and desire to win fuels one's addiction.  During the game play, perfectly positioned philosophical quotes and music underscore each fall, being simultaneously supportive and taunting.  Although just a video game, it's more of an experience.  In the end  those that persevere and practice make to the top in a moment of cosmic ecstasy.

This is based upon Sexy Hiking, but was rebooted with charming, philosophical bells and whistles.  Surely a sequel is sure to come.  Perhaps one will be climbing downwards against an up wind current?

Bennett Foddy is a creative, mad genius who was able to unlock a sweet secret spot in the human psyche.  Dare you play the game?  You will have to 'get over it' if you fail and if you succeed, you will 'get over it.'  This game can be therapy for the mind or lead to madness.  All in all, everyone one way or another will get over it.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Saimesophase Explanation with Flags: When Sister-Siamese Chromatids are United from G2 to Metaphase

Siamesophase happens when the genetic (N) number is (2N+2N').  Siamesophase crosses over from Interphase into the M, Mitotic Phase.  To be more specific, Siamesophase lasts from G2 until Metaphase.  This is when the original number of chromosome 'data' is doubled on each chromosome.

Just after Metaphase (from Anaphase until Late Cytokinesis) there is a quadruple number of Chromosomes (4N) in a single cell.  This is when somatic cells are Quadraploid.  Cells are Quadraploid for a short amount of time; it may seem strange but it is a natural state of a cell's life cycle.  Consequently nearly all human somatic cells have a history of having 92 chromosomes in each cell (from Anaphase until Late Cytokinesis).  Thus 'normal' human cells can have 23, 46, or 92 chromosomes. Nearly every biology book published today has overlooked this fact!

Siamesophase was named after the famous Thai-American Conjoined twins - Chang and Eng Bunker, who were born in Siam.    Like Nihonium and Tennessine, the name Siamesophase was chosen to put Thailand on the map of genetics, since Thailand's old name was Siam. Likewise the first human to recognize and name this part of the cell's cycle that crosses both Interphase and M Phase is Siamese.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Irish-Arab Pride Flag

Some people have the pleasure of belonging to group, yet some are born in between cultures.  This flag is for persons of Irish and Arab heritages.

Irish-Jewish Pride Harp Flag

There are minorities and then there are hyper-minorities.  Hyper-minorities hardly have a voice in the media and are often grouped on one side or the other.  But now, we have the Irish-Israeli pride flag.  It is a flag for persons who are have Irish and Jewish heritage.  This is a more common occurrence in the US and Canada.

Irish-Spanish Pride Flag

Indeed the Irish-Spanish are a super minority, that hardly gets noticed.  Well, on this St. Patrick's Day... Good Day to you all!!

Irish-Chinese Pride Flag

Perhaps the most famous Irish-Chinese person in the world is Tommy Chong of Cheech and Chong.  Originally a Canadian fellow, this ex-patriot loyalist is of the rare hyper-minority of Ireland and China.  Likewise a flag for this enchanting group of good vibes and general all around friendliness.

Irish-Vietnamese Pride Flag

One positive consequence of the Cold War chapter in Vietnam was the creation of Irish-Vietnamese.  This group is certainly of the hyper-minority, yet they have the blessings of being Irish and Vietnamese.

Irish-African Pride Flag

Happy St. Patric's Day!  It is the one day for the year that the world turns its attention to Isle of Erin.  As many people in the US and Canada can relate to, there are is a sizable population of Irish-African people.

Ireland Harp Forever Flag

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Here we have the Irish Harp flag in English but with two hidden clovers upon it.  One is on the harp the other is in our maiden's hair.  May the luck of luck follow you today!

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Irish-Dutch Pride, Harp Flag

Although worlds apart, Ireland and the Netherlands have mixed to some extent in the United States.  Religious traditions separate yet the fiber of America unites.  Here is a flag for the celebration of Irish and Dutch peoples who mingle all across the world.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Irish-Italian Pride Harp Flag

The day of wearing green is upon us.  And in the United States the mix of the Irish kin and Italian kin has been a big factor for many families.  Thanks to good old Catholic Schools there be plenty of opportunities for the love bond to create such a fair and passionate minded folk.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Japanese Pac-Man, Puck-Man Flag

A Pac-Man flag made in honor of Japan's flag with original Japanese writing that say's "Pakku-Man".  Without those lovable and intelligent ghosts, they'd be no game.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Vexilloids in Dark City 1998

The badge of the police in Dark City 1998 consist of an eight pointed star of the 53rd Precinct.   Another flag like item that appears in this movie is upon the implanted memory of beach mailbox.  Quite a peculiar place for a mailbox, but such things are not unheard of.
Dark City is an original sci-fi movie of the hero who overcomes a corrupt establishment.  But in this case the mystery of memory plays a key role of the one who overcomes the system of oppressive control.  In winning he becomes the just ruler of the a new age.

There will always be forces at work that seek to 'educate' the youth and or the public mind upon a single corporate line of thought.  But often, the harder they push, the harder resistance becomes and eventually it  manifests like the ignition of starlight under the pressure of gravity.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

An Appeal to Heaven, Charlie Brown

When Charlie Brown tried to fly a flag in Massachusetts while visiting family, would you believe the trees over there ate his kite too?